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Friday, December 24, 2010

Alhamdulillah...It's my Birthday today....

Sebuah potret Ibu Mertuaku hasil photowork ku

Kadang-kadang ku teringat masa kecilku
Saat ku berlari bersama adikku
Bermain bersama tak kira waktu
Walau jauh berbatu-batu..

Esok ku sudah terasa
Betapa cepat waktu beredar

Zaman mudaku semakin pudar
Tapi hatiku tetap semakin muda ...

Kenangan kelmarin membuatku semangat
Walau dugaan sentiasa menghimpit
Rintangan harus ku tembusi
Sejauh mana pun ku berlari

Umur bukan halangan

Bagiku untuk menyerah kalah

Jiwa ini sentiasa akan terserlah

Mengikut peredaran zaman ..

Namun jangan juga kulupa
Walau usiaku semakin sedikit

Aku sentiasa akan berzikir dan berdoa

Semoga Allah melindungiku di Dunia dan Akhirat


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

10 hours to go

10 hours left.. another 6 topics to read! I have no time to go through all the pages just understand the topics..better than nothing. I hope what I have read will be out tomorrow...plz pray for me dear friends...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 2 - A trip from Kota Kinabalu to Ranau

The second day of our trip was from Kota Kinabalu to some places at area of Mount Kinabalu and ended at Ranau. I will tell you later where exactly we went as you go along reading my story. On the way to to the highland, we passed Tamparuli, Tuaran and then to Ranau. It will take you 3 hours drive from KK town to Ranau if the weather is good. It was about 131 km to go to Ranau. It was a challenge for me driving to Ranau. At first place I had no plan at all going to Ranau. It was my cousin who proposed us to go there to visit some interesting places and we would be guided by our relatives Zainal and Zainab in KK. We met my cousin with his family at Grand hotel. They were on holiday for 3 days too. Since we would be guided to that place so we decided to join him to go to Ranau. We left the hotel at 9.30 am.

Before we started our journey to Ranau, We took some photos of ours outside the Grand Hotel.

Umme was the one who shot us.
nice view
mini water fountain front of the lobby hotelinside the mall near the entrance

up the hill

Guess what ..after about an hour traveling....whoops ....:( It was not my tyre that's flatten.. I need to stop because my car temperature was higher when it went up the hill...

Luckily Zainal is good in car mechanic. My car needed to be filled with water. Alhamdulillah we found water source drifted from the mountain and we filled bottles with it.

Then we continued our journey and that time I had to monitor the temperature everytime went up the hill. I stopped for a while when my car temperature reached before the maximum highest point. I think because my car has auto gear so its capability to go up the hill was not good enough compare to car with manual gear. This is learned lesson for me....
After 3 hours traveling.....the passengers....tertidur keletihan
View from the mountain

The weather here was fine and windy
Next destination was to a place in Ranau......
guess what were the places?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Aduhhh... esuk liz ada exam...

Liz pos in Malay version sajalah ....sekali-sekala lah.....

Peperiksaan Peraturan Kewangan akan ku hadapi esok. Aku bukan juruwang, aku bukan akauntan, aku bukan pemutik hutang, aku bukan kerja di pejabat kewangan..aku cuma guru. Tak minat pun aku peraturan kewangan ini...kalau terima wang aku sangat suka...hehehe..Apa boleh buat sudah peraturan kalau nak memohon kenaikan pangkat mesti ambil peperiksa FR (Financial Regulation) dan GO (General Order)...Benda ini hanya untuk pegawai kerajaan yang berkhidmat di kerajaan Brunei saja. I pun baru juga mentelaah buku FR sehabis2an hari ini...adalah membaca yang hari-hari dulu cuma sedikit saja. Aduh bukan main nak meletup otak liz....semua dah jadi rojak...inilah akibat last minit ..heheehe salah i jugak...baik juga ambil periksa ini FOC... harap2 lulus lah.....23hb will be GO exam...wah nak relex pun tunggu lepas 23hb ini...Doakan Liz ya kawan....

Glitter Words


Glitter Photos
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers