I'm really busy for the past few days and the coming days ....yes too busy...preparing for the raya celebration, shopping, sawing beads for my kids and my 'Baju kurung' , doing some cleaning in the house, etc....Now I'm trying to relax for an hour.UUhh my feet feel a bit numb for being standing so many hours... baking biscuits. But when I see my laptop, it make my addiction towards it is glowing again..Blogging.....yup, something to upload here....check these out!!!!
Sungkai at Lamie Restaurant with my families
Waiting for 'beduk' - breaking the fast. Wow that's a lot of food..
emmm...Prawns...a must for Lamie Restaurant..
Searching for 'tudong' or scarfs
Still in the process of doing this ..beading.....

'Ziarah kubur'
Saturday & today
Chocolate biscuits

spicy peanuts

vico cake
Dates cookies

mixfruit with dry coconut cookies