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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Another piece of art

My kids are staying at my mum's house for few days. So I have more times to do household chores. While I'm cleaning my princesses' room, I found this piece of art in her art block. Then I flip over the pages then I saw this beautiful drawing. It's Iffah masterpiece of art. I was speechless and inspired by her capabilities...She can draw a potret!! She's like Izzat to draw but I seldom saw her drawing her art..I always see her all of her time reading novel and doing other stuffs. So I just snap shot this potret without her knowing.......

Nice eyes..

Some of Izzat's arts

These were drawn by my princess Izzat. She's eleven years old. She did these in freehand. Alhamdulillah....she has that talent, she did it without using any tools like tracing. I can say she has a good observation skills, good hand-coordination and her smooth motion of hands that allow her to draw neatly. But she is not an artist yet just the beginner....She needs more practice in drawing skills and confidence.



Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Realistic 3D cinema really attracts my kids

Last Sunday we went to The Mall Gadong to watch the 3D Rapunzel movie. The first 3d cinema was launced at The Mall Cinema In Brunei on October 28 this year. I had to buy the tickets one day earlier since the demand of the 3d movie fans were increasing during these holidays. If I buy the very last hour, our seats will be at the first row which I don't like to watch. This time I brought my mum to watch 3d movie. At first place she had no idea how 3d movie would look like...Now she knew that wearing the 3d glasses..make the difference between the 2d and the 3d..

After viewing this movie kids enjoyed and they requested to me to book for the next cartoon 3d movie - Narnia 3..ok soon kids before school will start again..

sweet memory for my kid

Sunday tickets cost $6 for a kid and $11.00 for an adult

can't wait to watch the 3d movie

Having some meals before going to the cinema

My sis took a surprising shot

My niece..Hazirah


Kedewasaan mengajar kita erti kehidupan
Apakah kita sudah mensyukuri nikmat yang dikurniakan oleh Allah?
Bilakah kita akan menjadi insaf?
Adakah amal ibadat kita sudah penuh didada?
Sampai bilakah kita akan menjadi manusia yang paling mulia disisi Allah?
Sudahkah kita bersedia untuk menghadap Allah?
Semuanya terletak pada sikap dan keimanan kita jua..
sekadar Muhasabah diri ini
Marilah kita melangkah berhijrah KeTahun 1432H
Dengan Iklas seiklas-iklasnya
Bersama iman didada

Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru Hijrah
Dari Liz & Keluarga Liz

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Minced Sardine

One of my menu for this night dinner was minced sardine. Its from the Ayamas Brand...Sardine in tomato sauce. I know you have this one before..Try my menu....Firstly I took out the fish from the tin, but not the sauce. Minced the sardine using the spoon. Heat cooking oil, then add onion, chilli sause, cooked cube potatoes and fresh chilli. Fry for 2-3 minutes, finally add minced sardine and lemon juice and cook for few minutes. Happy cooking....

Emm look delicious ..wooops....Its not Mee Mamak...

1 tin contains about 5 - 6 sardine...

Glitter Words


Glitter Photos
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers